Pain Point #1 - Lack of Control
Entrepreneurs thrive on chaos. The threat and promise of the unknown drives us to take measured risks in anticipation of reward. Few things compare to the exhilaration of welcoming clients and customers through a door we’ve created and watching revenue begin to grow as we provide real, tangible value to our employees and customers.
One success story breeds another. Value brings growth. Soon we begin to scale.
Then come those 2AM thoughts about what it might feel like to have a three day weekend someday (let alone a 4-Hour Workweek).
So, let me ask. What would it look like for you if you felt like you were in absolute control of your business; the time you spent, the tracking of finances, your staff, your vision, your plan?
What if you were running your business, instead of it running you?
Let me give you a simple whiteboard activity that will bring clarity, increase your motivation and ultimately put you in more control of your business.
On your whiteboard or notebook, write out the Top 3-5 Issues that are contributing to your lack of control right now (be specific! I.e. ‘Re-opening/ramp up strategy and schedule,’ ‘3 staff issues’, ‘Razor-thin operating margins,’ ‘new COVID social distancing requirements,’ etc.)
Rank your Issues by the financial risk they pose over the next 90 days and over the next 12 months (i.e. what’s the real cost or the opportunity cost of not solving each issue?). Just float a budget number and go with your gut.
Start with your #1 Issue and determine what you’ll do in the next 7 days to move toward solving it. Rinse and repeat.
Download a free copy of Traction (chapter 1) to begin seeing what it might look like to regain total control today and start getting what you want from your business.